Now Available on Amazon-Kindle and Paperback
Every day is a day to be thankful. As I write this column, it is Thanksgiving Day and I am literally overwhelmed by God’s Amazing Grace! I feel doubly blessed. My book—God’s Book—is now available on Amazon: kindle and paperback!
Someone recently compared writing a book to birthing a child. If true, I praise God more than ever for the four mothers who birthed my precious children! Yikes! This has been one challenging journey!
Russell and I worked on the book three years before he went Home to Heaven over two years ago. This is bittersweet as I would love to curl up with him on the couch in front of the fireplace and read it together. I praise God for the memories and the promised reunion… in His time!
Click here for ordering information. (Add to your Christmas list.)
The year was 1960.
She was 17, twelve hundred miles from home, and terrified. After graduating with honors from high school five months earlier, Carrol Sue confidently faced the future. She would join the Navy and share the love of Jesus as she traveled the world at their expense. How did she end up in jail and so alone?
He was 34, married, and had a good job. One night he agreed to attend a revival with his wife, and that same night Russell surrendered his life to Jesus. Soon after, he answered God’s call to preach the gospel. Life as he knew it did a complete turnaround and was immediately changed. Then the unthinkable happened. How could he face the future alone?
Have you thought of writing YOUR story?
Read the amazing, true love story of two individuals whose meeting was all in God’s unbelievable plan for their lives. God’s grace. His mercy. His love. All shine through The Rebel & Preacher Man
You can trust God with your past, present, and future!