Richard (Butch) and Carrol Sue Kinslow 1945
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10
I am quite sure that 3 1/2-year-old Carrol Sue would have agreed that she and her little brother were indeed masterpieces. Children have simple faith and a view of the world uncluttered by the opinions of others.
Little children are loved for who they are; each precious, each a masterpiece. Heavenly Father, help us to know and understand that we never outgrow being Your child… Your masterpiece!
Too often I see my reflection in a storefront and cringe. Who is that chubby old, wrinkled, bent woman? My friend’s hair is so cute, why is mine so straight? I wish I had different hair or different whatever.
With the world trying to tell us how we need to improve every part of our being, we can all have down days. If we allow these negative feelings to grow, they will affect all aspects of our lives and the lives of those around us.
Study the phrase above: we (YOU) are God’s masterpiece! That’s a fact! As they say, you can bank on it!
God’s Word says in Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made: your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
For a very good article entitled “What does it mean to be Fearfully & Wonderfully Made”, click here.
Wonderfully made? Really? I don’t feel wonderfully made! Too often I feel like a wreck.
We say believe in the Bible. It’s God’s word; it never changes. We believe God is the giver of life. We enjoy telling little children how God made them special; just like He wanted them to look. Why do we have such a hard time believing it for ourselves? If you want a revival in your heart and soul, read and study Psalm 139 in its entirety. Trust God to do work in your spirit as only He, your Creator, can.
Father, when negative feelings begin to crop up, remind me often that You created me and You have never made a bad thing. You created the hair, nose, and body that I have, and were pleased. (For the benefit of those who need to hear it, I agree that He would have us take care of what He has given us.)
One more commercial on how to get rid of my wrinkles or look ten years younger and out goes the TV! I earned every wrinkle and gray hair. I have stories. And, for your information, I do not waddle when I walk, I’m exercising my legs by pushing my weight from one side to the other.
Seriously, I pray as we enter springtime together, we will enjoy the joy God has for us. Take (MAKE) time to praise God today for His masterpiece—YOU!
I look forward always to your comments and your prayer requests. I pray for you often; and thank you for praying for me.