Look beyond the brokenness
Let’s be honest. Life sometimes stinks! I’m tired of being told where I can and cannot visit or told what to wear or do. In fact, my plans for this very day did not include thunderstorms and power outages. I struggle with keeping my calm; my focus goes awry
I am weary of trying to help a relative who will not help herself. Being even a part-time caregiver/advisor is work. It takes all the energies and resources I have and then some. It alters my priorities, ties me down, and wears me out. Seems to be a thankless job with no end in sight.
Can you relate? Are the tasks looming before you overwhelming at times? Do you wish for help only to find the help was inadequate at best? Feel you should have done the work yourself although you know you could not?
Like water heating in a teakettle; these feelings can quickly boil and soon break out into unkind words or actions if not held at bay. (I speak from experience here).
Study the photo. What do you see? The dead limbs, the battered old tree? The overgrown brush? The darkened sky? Look closer, soak up the soft colors of that rainbow. Rest on the wings of the One Who has it all covered.
“Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need! He lets me rest in the meadow grass and leads me beside the quiet streams. He gives me new strength. He helps me do what honors him the most.” (Psalm 23:1-3, TLB). Click here for some more inspiring words from the One who knows our needs.
There are no easy answers or quick fixes. Each situation is different; circumstances vary; needs versus wants must be defined.
Here are five very, very simple ideas that continue to help me cope when the load seems too heavy to carry. I must tell you, just a few minutes ago while thunderstorms raged (outside and in my spirit as well). I walked out on the porch and did #1 and #2 below. My spirit calmed; I am now renewed and pressing on.
#1 Breathe. Too simple? Not really! When you feel stress coming, stop long enough to look away from the situation and breathe deeply. Stand up tall, close your eyes and breathe in for five counts through your nose. Hold that a few seconds, then slowly breathe out through your mouth. Relax, repeat.
#2 Hum or sing a little bit. I confess I am not a singer (my entire family will agree). However, when life feels really tough, I sing softly, “Jesus loves me, this I know … “as I continue my work. And, yes, today as thunderstorms raged (outside and in my spirit as well). I stepped out on the porch and slowly breathed the fresh air. Then I loudly sang that song and my spirit calmed.
#3 Exercise. Even though you feel you cannot do any exercise—no time, energy, or ability—you can do something. A simple stretch works wonders. Stand on tiptoes, hold a chair for balance and slowly do a few squats. Then stand and reach for the stars, one hand, then the other, then both. A few minutes every hour or so will help keep your blood flowing and your body limber.
#4 Write. Keep a notebook handy to jot down your feelings—good and not so good. Let all that anger flow from your brain through your fingers and onto the page. Don’t fail to find something good to write down about the ones you are caring for or working with and about yourself.
#5 Smile. Now, I know this suggestion sounds a little misplaced. Just try it, look in the mirror, and smile—big, big cheesy grin. You tried it and giggled, didn’t you? Laughter IS the best medicine!
Perhaps life can become overwhelming at times. But truthfully, it should be a fantastic blessing, an opportunity to be Jesus’ hands and feet. It’s a privilege, an awesome responsibility, an opportunity to encourage, to make a hurting soul feel happy and loved. The ability to care is a gift from God.
Repeated on purpose: The best help is always found in God’s unchanging Word! “Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need! He lets me rest in the meadow grass and leads me beside the quiet streams. He gives me new strength. He helps me do what honors him the most.” (Psalm 23:1-3, TLB).
Blessings and hugs to you as you care for yourself and others,
Please take time to share your hints with me; I could use a few more!