In California, 4-year-old Everlee is a young artist at work.
Praise for Overwhelming Reviews and Comments
I’m humbled by all the reviews, photos, and notes I’m receiving for Patches’ Biblical Coloring and Activity Books. Truly God is at work as Patches the Turtle shares Jesus with young and old.
When her grandmother’s Christmas gift included Patches’ Farmland Adventures, 4-year-old Everlee was ready to color! Beautiful job! Thank you, Grandmother, for sharing this picture with us.
Patches’ books are not Just for Children.
A woman in St. Louis writes: “I was given Patches’ Farmland Adventures and coloring pencils by a friend. She knew I needed some activity while being homebound all winter. In fact, the added Scriptures were just what the doctor ordered!”
WebMD lists some amazing reasons we should all color; click here.
Some time ago, I mailed a copy to an elderly friend who was losing a long battle with lung cancer. Her hobbies of crocheting, reading, and working in her church were now impossible tasks. I learned just today from her daughter how much the book meant. The large print and short stories encouraged her to read, and since she could hold colored pencils easily, working on the pictures was great therapy.
Nursing Homes and Extended Care Facilities
One person bought ten books to give to residents in a local nursing home. What joy to hear from some of them and to see their work. Many residents, men and women, are lonely and need something to occupy their minds.
Mayo Health Clinic agrees with Patches; we all should color! Click here
Please, please pray with me.
As books go out to individuals, children’s Bible classes and groups, and families across our land, I pray God will use each of them to touch hearts and change lives.
Lost and unchurched families and individuals can meet Jesus.
Only God can put together the words that touch hearts. On every page, Patches shares Scripture and encourages the reader/artist to think about God’s perfect design for them. Click here to see all of my books.
Thank you for allowing me to share my praises with you today.
Let me hear from you. Who do you know that could use some encouragement?