Jonquils from My Yard
My calendar and my work schedule this week will never match up. Cards to send and calls to make; women’s ministry needs; flower beds that need tending; a home that needs TLC; yikes!
Laying my calendar aside, I’m now packing a bag and heading out of town for a few day’s stay. Cousin Penny (Trudi) struggling with major decisions at 92. I am the only living relative. At the same time, it’s doubly hard for me to leave Russell. A precious friend went Home last night and he will do her service; I want to be here. (Prayer appreciated for both of us!)

New Tulip Bed Showing Off
How about you? Each of you holds a special place in my heart. A few I know quite well; others slightly; still others only through seeing your name on my list and praying for you and your family. How has springtime been going for you? I wonder if, even in the least of ways, have my notes truly offered you help and hope.
Good News! We can stop and regroup; even a few moments can change a day.
This morning I woke up to the sound of refreshing rain on the roof. Walking outside on the porch, I felt as though I could conquer the world (for a brief moment). I’m thankful for those times. I wish you fresh air and sunshine for your busy days.
As I took time to gather some beautiful spring flowers to take to Cousin, I continued to drink in the cool, fragrant air and refresh myself! A neighbor driving by stopped to chat; her wee one smiled and waved to me. I wish for you the smell of fresh rain and the perfume of God’s beautiful flowers. And, of course, hugs from wee ones; they warm our hearts.
Do you bake, garden, or cook a good casserole?
I thought of you today as we enjoyed our lunch. A friend, knowing our schedule, dropped by some fresh fruit and veggies and … a chocolate cake! I wanted to invite you over to share our bounty!
Many of you are busier than I, struggling to make it through one more day. You can only hope for someone to drop you off some food or flowers or take time to visit a bit.
What I appreciate most is that someone thought of us in that way. Sorry, I can’t come by your house today, deliver you some goodies or hold your hand or hug your neck.
However, here are a few things I can do for you today.
1. I can encourage from an understanding heart. I have been there, in the trenches and in the good times. I know firsthand every caregiver, parent, or child needs hope, love, and understanding.
2. I can pray for you. I believe that the love of God knows no boundaries. I believe He cares for us in ways we cannot understand. I believe He wants to comfort you and strengthen you and those you love.
3. I can listen to you. I am a good listener. Sometimes, just talking helps. I want to encourage you, if nothing else, to set aside a few minutes each day to journal your thoughts and your feelings. Be honest with them. And, please let me know when a column meets your need. Let me know how I can be a better encourager for you personally.
4. I can encourage you to seek someone you can minister to in some way; maybe take a bit of food or flowers. Maybe simply call or send a card. God created us to need each other; I’m thankful for that.
Well, lots of chattering today. Sometimes it’s good to just sit down and talk to an old friend. I really do care about you; I hope you know Jesus cares.