This morning at a meeting, I observed some of the greatest caregivers ever. Watching them I realize afresh, caregiving IS caring, period. A caregiver is a person of any age who takes time to care for those in their family or their sphere of influence.
I was in a planning meeting today with a group of women, young and not-so-young. from several of our area churches. When I left the house it was below freezing and the ground was snow-covered. I wondered if any would make it.
As ladies drifted in, one granny got her two young grandchildren settled with something to occupy themselves before she grabbed a cup of coffee and joined us. An older girl was likewise made comfortable by her grandmother before she found her seat.
As the hours passed, I watched a young mother quietly feed and care for her infant, meeting his needs as she contributed to the meeting.
Several of these women had risen early to prepare their homes for their return at lunchtime. Most had driven many miles in freezing weather to attend. We had a record attendance and the enthusiasm was contagious.
I could not help but think of the valuable lessons these little ones are learning from their parents and grandparents. Here are just a few I noted today:
#1 That they are loved, have value, and will be cared for even while the adults have other obligations.
#2 Keeping commitments is important, even when it calls for extra work or inconvenience. They will someday realize the value in serving others, even when it is not necessarily the easiest thing to do.
#3 They observed their parent/grandparent as a calm, organized adult meeting the needs of others even when they could have stayed home by the fire.
#4 They learned by their own actions how to respect and honor those around them; how to be quiet when the adults were busy in a meeting.
#5 And lastly, but certainly not least, they watched first-hand how important serving Jesus and His Church is to their parent/grandparent.
Today was simply a scheduled meeting with a bunch of ladies planning another retreat. Or so it was with some. For their director, it was a worship experience. Those precious ladies came caring for family, yes. They also came caring for their lost friends and neighbors. They came to serve. They are true caregivers!
I am humbled, honored, and blessed.
I wonder, what are you and I teaching in our home with our actions? I pray you and I, too, will never be too busy or too tired to be an encouragement to others.
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