Taco Tomatoes

Grilled Spicy Chicken with Hominy Hash
To join me in a healthier summer means eating better and moving more. Are you ready to roll?
Let’s face it, whether you are single or have a large family, a caregiver, or have small children, it’s difficult to serve nutritious meals every day. Often it seems easier and quicker to use fast foods or boxed mixes.
Add to that, it’s difficult to find (or make) time to exercise properly. Summer is here and my bod’s not ready, how about yours?
Finding myself unable to do some of my basic tasks has reminded me of the need to make daily changes to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few of my goals for a healthier summer. Want to join me?
#1 Plan what I will eat each day.
Plan what I will eat each day” Hmmm! I plan already, I plan to eat all that’s set before me! Well, I don’t think that’s much of a plan, do you? The truth is, without another plan, my healthy lifestyle is doomed from day one.
Sadly I admit I have all too often relied on fast foods or boxed mixes because they are easy and at least seem to be cheaper to prepare. Click here for healthy, quick meals that are easy on the budget!
#2 Determine my triggers.
I took time to look at my most troubling foods and determined to eliminate those as much as possible. (Goodbye salty snacks and bargain baked goods!) What are some of your triggers that could be eliminated or cut down a bit? Bread, sugars, others?
#3 Incorporate movement.
To incorporate movement is simply plan to move more., get some exercise each day. I did better this week because I planned for at least ten minutes of exercise in the early morning. My main challenge is to make myself get up and at least stretch a bit or walk through the house every hour or so. It’s easy to spend two or three hours glued to my seat as I finish an article or work on the computer.
#4 Make it fun and enjoyable.
I enjoy walking, especially in our woods. I used to walk down the hill through the walnut grove and across our little bridge. Truthfully, today I can’t walk around the outside of our home without stopping to rest. (Sad to admit, but honest!)
What is your main challenge to a healthy lifestyle? If you need more exercise, remember to begin slow. We seem to think we need to begin with hours of exercise. A few minutes a day can and will make a world of difference, especially in how you feel–you will feel better and look better.
Here is another great link for healthy, easy meals. Enjoy and please let me hear what is working for you.
Healthy Hugs,
Have you checked out Quick Nutritious Meals for Your Family?