Thinking of you, dear friends, today. Wondering how it is in your world. Have you taken time to reflect on the season or are you weary, worn, and ready for a break!
Christmas, with all its activity, is still a time of wonder.
I pray that in the hustle and bustle of the season, you have not lost sight of the wonder of the Christ-child, born in a lowly manger so long ago. How he freely came, dwelt among us, gave his life for us, and paid the ultimate price that we might be free.
I pray today that you can and will enjoy that freedom regardless of the circumstances that surround you. If you are in a warm home reading this on your computer, you are far richer that many.
Even if you are stretched to the limit caring for others, you can count your riches: a chair to sit in; food to eat; a warm blanket at night.
And, should you feel you have nothing to give, you are giving everyday. Your life given to help others; your smile when nothing else will do; a gentle hug to one who needs to feel loved. You have much to give.
You, dear friend, are not just another name on a list. For me, you are a very special person; chosen to care for others.
You are an Answer to Prayer! Wow!
My heartfelt prayers today are for you, your family and those in your care. I ask for you peace, rest, and contentment.
I’m looking forward to a new year of sharing with you. Please do let me know what your needs are; how I can help you.
God bless you and keep you; and Merry Christmas!
I am so looking forward to hearing from you personally in the new year. I have a few surprises up my sleeve; you won’t want to miss out!