Oops! My “Mr.” Kitty’s Surprise – SIX Wee Ones
“… I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need and what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in every situation… ” from Phil. 4:11-13 NIV
On one of my lowest days, a very tiny, scrawny kitty made his way to the back porch where I was crying out to God. I missed my hubby. I was disappointed in myself. The list goes on…
“Mr. Kitty” was just what I needed; something to take care of and to cuddle on my down days. Well, I should have checked. Surprise! A few weeks ago, MISS Kitty gave me six little bundles of cuddlebugs!
God, in His wisdom, always gives us exactly what we need. I learn daily from Miss Kitty and God’s care for her. Feast your eyes on that momma’s face as she cares for her wee ones under an old rusty wheelbarrow in my front flower bed. Wind and weather never deterred her from her duties. She always meets me at the garage door for a bit of petting and heads back to her babies.
How is your life? Ever had times of discouragement? Is your life not always a bed of roses? Truthfully, each of us at times feels more like we’re rolling in a bed of thorns. My prayer for each reader is that you never lose track of God’s care for you; His love is beyond measure.
Find strength in God’s Word. Click here for encouraging Scriptures.
Here is one of my favorites. “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” Hebrews 13:5
Monday, six adorable little balls of fur discovered how to climb onto my front porch. Prayers appreciated!
This week I am asking God to stir my heart as well as the hearts of my readers. “Teach us, Lord, when discouragement comes to look to You. To trust You. To praise You. You, oh Lord, are enough!”
Drop me a note. How can I pray for you? How have you found comfort in God this winter?