Coronavirus or flu not my greatest fear.
My prayers continue to go out for those all over the world affected by the dreaded Coronavirus. Also, for what we call the “common” flu which can turn deadly if not caught in time.
I stand on God’s promises: “Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee wherever you go.” From Joshua 1:9
Like you, I have family members working in the healthcare field, or in the public every day. Consequently, I realize their risk level is pretty high.
This centerpiece is on my kitchen table. I wrote names on tiny pebbles and symbolically put each one into the hands of an all-loving, all-knowing Father. I pray for them daily; the Coronavirus, the likelyhood of other illnesses, or accidents on the road are major concerns.
However, I have a much bigger concern; I don’t want any to die without Jesus. I’m selfish on this point: I want every single one of them to be with me in our Eternal Home in Heaven. The Bible teaches, there is only one way–Jesus!
Above all, I pray for their salvation; that they come to know the Free Gift Jesus offers to all.