It’s a New Year – Raccoon’s Pillow Says It All
It’s January—time to make some changes. Once again I vow to do better, work harder, and complete projects. In a few weeks, I’ll barely remember my resolutions, let alone keep them. How about you?
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19
This verse spoke to me today. God is doing a new thing. God is doing …
Beginning the year with a list of resolutions to accomplish on my own strength is futile. My good intentions and resolve last about as long as it takes to open the refrigerator door or flip the TV channel. Resolutions call on me to be better and to do more.
Suppose this year, I quit trying to do this and improve that and simply allow God to do a new thing in my life.
As I write this, it is day 5 of the new year and I have already found an element of freedom. I am not trying to accomplish goals on my own strength. I am enjoying a real sense of God at work in and through my life in a new way. My focus is on Him and not on myself.
Click here for a biblical perspective on how to set your goals for the year.
Instead of making one or more resolutions that would soon fall by the wayside, I asked God to change my direction; to give me a word to focus on for the year. My focus word for 2024 is “thankful”.
Being thankful is not something I have to “do”. It is something I choose to “be”. When I squeeze into that outfit one more time, I can choose to BE thankful I have choices. I can BE thankful I can dress myself; BE thankful I can live at home; BE thankful I have food in my cabinet.
Please note: I am not living in la la land! I do have goals, serious goals for the week, month, and year. But, my focus is on God and how He wants to accomplish them through me as I thank Him for opportunities, guidance, wisdom, and clarity.
I want to challenge you to do what I did. PRAY. Ask God for your word for the year (or week or month). Let Him change your focus each day and enjoy all that He has in store for you. Write your name in Isaiah 43:19; make it personal. Allow God to do a new thing in your daily life. He loves you so much; allow Him to direct your paths each day.
I am thankful for YOU!
Please leave a note so I can pray for you on your journey.