Only God can create a beautiful bouquet from burdens and brokenness.
The beautiful bouquet pictured here is actually three broken, dying plants. My life has been like that of late.
The first, a huge basket which once overflowed with colorful plants. My life was the same–every where I looked was joy and laughter and hope.
The second, a beautiful red geranium used to hang on the front porch, gaily swinging in the breeze. The plant, as did I, eagerly greeted passersby and visitors alike.
Thirdly, a perky yellow mandevilla stretched her way up a post, reaching toward the sky as if praising the Creator with every new bloom. My life, too, was full of activity and joy and color. Then came a little bump; then another, then another. Each little brokenness kept me from tending to daily chores. Without care, the plants began to wither and die.
Stress and busyness kept me occupied. No time to sit on the porch or water flowers. The withered geranium was taken down. Likewise, the mandevilla, with no water and no cords to climb, finally began to retreat.
Does your life feel that way? Stressed, strained, overwhelmed? I can tell you for a fact: God wants to build a beautiful bouquet from burdens and brokenness.
One day it was as if God said, “that’s enough crying! Trust Me!” Only a little dusty miller and other greenery had survived in the big basket. I plopped my frazzled geranium right in the middle of those struggling plants.
Then I moved enough dirt and roots in the geranium to squeeze in the mandevilla-still in its temporary pot. Carefully I picked off all the dead blooms and stems and began watering. God did the rest!
What old dead stuff are you hanging on to. Can you do a little weeding, even a little bit?
What is there you need to give to God? Let God build a beautiful bouquet from burdens and brokenness in your life.
My circumstances have not changed. In fact, they are worse than ever from a human perspective. Deadlines loom, water leaks and broken phones and other things still need fixed. Loved ones are in hopeless situations and I can’t be there to help.
But I know … I KNOW … Who makes bouquets from burdens and brokenness. He gives me peace, comfort, and direction. He will do that for you as well. Ask Him. Trust Him.
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