A View from the Elevator
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. Isaiah 55:8
Excitement was high as I packed for my first Baptist Secretaries Conference (BSAAM) in several years. I was anxious to see old friends and learn new techniques, and I needed inspiration to move forward.
I had included my usual request as I reserved the room. “Please ensure my room is next to the elevator as I cannot walk long hallways.” I was assured that could be done.
Confident all was as planned, we headed for the elevator expecting our room number 203 to be just outside the door. It wasn’t! Our room was at the end of the hallway; 112 long steps to be exact! Roommate Cheryl gingerly pushed our luggage cart toward the room while I had to stop three times to catch my breath and steady my weary legs. Seriously!
Normally I would have tried to get the room changed. However, God kept me moving, not complaining, trusting Him to care for me. He alone arranged for my ‘needs’ and not my ‘wants’ to be met that day. By the end of the stay, I even took the stairs to the lobby!
At the conference facility, we walked long (very long) hallways to each class. The bathroom was at one end of the hall and the atrium (food) was at the other. My loving Father knew I needed that hotel warmup to prepare me for the days ahead.
Click here for encouraging scripture from the Billy Graham Association when things do not go as expected.
How about you, precious friend? When things go awry, do you consider God may be giving your needs instead of your wants? Can you stop and praise Him, even in the worst of times knowing He loves you and knows what’s best?
Many of you are daily facing much more complex issues than I face. I know that for certain. I pray for you often. Never lose sight of the fact that God loves you. God has you and your family in the palm of His loving hand and He WILL NOT LET GO!
Here are a few more verses to hang on to when the road gets rough.
Let me hear from you. How can I pray for you this week?