Six simple decision making tips for busy families.
Caring for a home and family can be difficult. Mothers and caregivers and their busy families bide for time. Decisions are made daily that affect the lives of others.
Simple tasks often cause stress and keep us overwhelmed.
One week I planned to clean our carpet. I reasoned I could make time to do it. The next week, I considered a carpet cleaner, then talked myself out of spending the money. Each time that I made a decision, then changed my mind, it made my work and stress pile up!
Have you been there? You make a decision only to change your mind? The work never gets done and you are worn out from struggling with unfinished projects.
I put into practice some techniques that work and followed through on my decisions. I’m praying you will apply these decision making tips to at least one issue you face.
#1 Honestly identify the problem. My underlying problem was not the dirty carpet. My problem was lack of time and energy. My schedule would not change in the near future.
#2 Make a list of possible alternatives. I could rent a machine and do it; call in friends to help; leave it go awhile longer; or buy bigger throw rugs (kidding!) Ask others for advice.
#3 Be informed before hiring someone for a project. Check them out; get the best deal possible for your household.
#4 Evaluate the consequences of each action. For me, hiring the work done would mean a tighter budget for the next few weeks. I could find ways to curb my spending.
#5 Determine which choice is the very best for you and your family. Considering the needs of your entire family when making a decision is always best. Truth is, your stress affects the entire household. (Click here for more on getting help from the family.)
#6 Act on your decision as soon as possible. When I finally determined what to do, I immediately called the cleaner and made the appointment. This is so important. Acting on your decision will develop your skill in this area.
What small things tend to pull you down, cause stress?
A dirty carpet may not be a big deal compared to the decisions you have to make. What small things tend to pull you down, cause stress? If you can eliminate some of them, your more difficult challenges will become easier; I promise!
I’m smiling as I remember the peace of making a decision and sticking to it.
Yes, my clean floors were beautiful, the house smelled fresh, and I was motivated to clean a little more. I actually created a schedule for my stressors, one small project at a time.
There will always be good pros and cons in decision making. From experience in the School of Hard Knocks I can tell you, life goes much easier if you can make a clear decision and stick to it. You will richly improve your life and the lives of others as you build confidence.
Read my article on four tips to get help around the home; click here. And let me hear your decision making ideas.