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The Peace of God in Vibrant Color — 5 Comments

  1. It will be exciting to see who your stack of quilts bring happiness and warmth! Enjoy the pretty colored Afghan.

    • Thank you, JoAnn.

      That beautiful colored Afghan weighs a ton. Some precious soul has put hours into making it and who knows how much $$$ in the thread. The photo is of it tossed across my living room couch where it will stay until ???
      Blessings to you and thanks again!

  2. Susie what blessed lady you are. Thank you for taking time to chat and share your blessings with so many.
    I can see you are involved with many projects and reading your books has blessed many through my sharing My other My Child as a awed. night Ladies Bible group. I was given the spiritual insight that our group was not studying the Bible but realizing the scriptural application of the Word to your life. So many have told me they wished they had known this valuable inform before being made a caregiver. I too wished that I had been better informed.