Making My Home a House of Prayer

My Family Secure in God’s Hands
“…far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you...” from 1 Samuel 12:23
“…we have not ceased to pray for you...” from Colossians 1:9
Do you have a long prayer list from churches, social media, neighbors, family, and friends? How do you keep track of them? Are you faithful to pray for them?
I have tried notebooks, sticky notes, prayer folders, daily quiet time, and more. Yet, I fail when the list continues to grow and the needs deepen.
What does the Bible say about praying for others? Click here
In Isaiah 56 and Matthew 21, God mentions His place of worship as a house of prayer. I desire that my home be a house of prayer. I want to take prayer requests more seriously. Here is a glimpse of what my House of Prayer is beginning to look like.
Closest to my heart is my family; for their spiritual condition more than health or wealth. My dining room is the center of my home. When I enter, I pause to thank God for my family. Lighted candles for each child surround a sculpture of God’s open hands. There is a stone in God’s hands for each family member; I often hold them as I pray individually. On my way through, I pat the hands and thank Our Father for His care and mercy. Quite often, I pause and weep over my family.
My dining room is my FAMILY PRAYER ROOM.
In the kitchen, little notes on the refrigerator (often in red) are reminders of urgent requests; those that need more time in prayer. I believe more spiritual battles were/are fought and won in kitchens throughout America than in churches. Watching the critters in the woods as I work at the sink reminds me that I can trust my Father to know what is best for my friends, my country, and the world.
My bedroom is filled with things that turn my attention to praising God. I want to awaken every morning with Jesus as my first thought. When I put my shoes on each morning, I ask for His direction for my entire day. As I pull out of the driveway, I pray for God to guide me where I need to be and make me a good witness for Him. (NOTE: I could write volumes on how God has changed my direction almost daily.) At night, no matter how weary, I strive to crawl into bed praising God for who He is and how He has worked in my life and my world.
My bedroom is my PRAISE JESUS ROOM
I’m not sure what other rooms God will open up for me in my little cottage, but this I know. He and He alone is the Master of this house. And He wants to hear and answer every prayer.
Please take a minute to let me know what works for you. How can I pray for you?
Remember: in the crazy times that we are living in, God really is in control; He is not asleep! He WILL have His way.
Your praying hands prayer center is so nice!
Thank you, JoAnn. It’s a bird feeder, but it encourages me when I see the names of all my family in His hands.
I appreciate your response. Please know that you are on my prayer list for sure. Hugs, Susie