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More than a Recipe — 8 Comments

  1. I have been lonely for my brother. He was a awesome man.I don,t have any family any more. A husband that does not care.sorry for the downers. I know God loves me. He died for me!

  2. Thanks, June, for commenting. I sure relate to missing the brother. My brother was two years younger, but even as a child, I looked up to him.
    Aren’t we thankful we have a family—God’s family—and that He has given us brothers and sisters in Christ with whom we can spend eternity? And, while we are here on earth, some of us (me included) are a mess sometimes. Hugs and blessings to you.

  3. It may not be at the very top of my list but very close. I have a handwritten poem by my grandmother on my Dad’s side. It was about me being “so big” – but some said I was “too little”, but “how can that be now that I am three”.
    I also have two or three handwritten letters from my dad. He dropped out of school to help on the family farm. It was a chore for him to write but he took the time to work through it. Those letters are precious to me…as was my dad who walked into the arms of Jesus five years ago.

  4. Wow, Regina. What a wonderful gift and sweet poem. That letters from our dads are so meaningful, especially when we realize what it took for them to write them to us.
    Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
    Hugs and blessings, Susie

    PS Isn’t our soon-coming reunion going to be grand?

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