Nature’s Lessons from The God of Comfort

One of Adams’ Acres Blessings

Calico says, “Get me outa here!”
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8-9
Comfort may mean staying put.
Not pictured are three tiny fawns. Upon hearing me on the porch, they froze in place. As other deer approached, they immediately seemed to relax and melt into the soft grasses. Fear was replaced with confidence as they felt the comfort of a mother’s love.
Other times, comfort means to flee.
At the same time, a flock of turkeys in the cow pasture had stopped in their tracks. The sound of a car speeding by the house caused them to quickly turn and wobble down the hillside to safety. Secure in the shadows of thick brush, and no longer filled with fear, they gingerly resumed pecking the ground for tasty morsels.
In the second picture, the young doe followed my cat all the way up the hill. Calico was in no mood to play. Besides, he knew some good cuddling and snacks awaited as he headed for the porch!
Nature Points us to our Comforter.
I learn much from watching the critters on Adams’ Acres. Perhaps I relate all too well to the feelings of fear and doubt that paralyze and hamper good judgment. Especially as I grow older and my situation changes, even the smallest detail can cause stress.
Can you relate? Do you ever stand paralyzed or frozen in your tracks when facing some circumstance in your life? Maybe it isn’t even a big thing, but it seems overwhelming at the moment. Your breath is short and you can’t seem to shake that feeling of hopelessness.
God wants to bring comfort.
We have a Comforter who is waiting to help. He is the Great Caregiver. He knows us; every hair on our head is numbered, and every breath we take is by His command.
“The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.” Psalm 29:11 Click here for 50 more great scriptures on our Faithful Father’s care.
I want to encourage each of you, whatever your circumstance, to make time to lean on Him for rest. His word in Psalm 23 reminds us that He will lead us beside still waters and restore our souls.
Today I pray that you will “cast all your care upon Him because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) And you will, like the baby deer, allow yourself to melt down into the soft grasses and allow your loving Father to bring comfort and hope and peace for your journey.
I am looking forward to hearing from you. Let me hear the ways that God has brought comfort and encouragement to your heart.
A special thank you to Suzanne Lieurance and others who helped Patches take over my website and newsletter! He looks good! I am so thankful for those who are praying for me as I begin a new chapter in my life! Blessings galore and hugs and prayers.
Thanks so much for your inspiring words–what a comfort to remember! Thanks too for sharing your experience with your Mom. It helped me out in a very difficult time.
Thanks so much for your inspiring words–what a comfort to remember! Thanks too for sharing your experience with your Mom. It helped me out in a very difficult time.
Thank you so much for taking time to respond. For me, I have to stop my busyness and regroup quite often. God’s Word in print and in all creation pull me back to Him and His love and plan for me.
And, thank you as well for the comments on Mom. Pray with me as I continue to write as God leads to encourage others on their walk.
Nearly 5 AM. More sleep eludes me. So will rest in my recliner. This past week has had many events. Two days volunteering at the thrift store then a day of full rest rising to feed the Calico mommy who came across the road with five kittens. Friday arrived with anticipation of breakfast with a dear old friend as this old person rejoiced in the fellowship. Have two books from Cathy I am searching yet again to deal with issues from my younger life. God has opened my heart to totally forgive others who have wronged me clear back to my childhood and forgive myself for decisions I made that effect myself and others yet today. Now blessings all mine and ten thousand besides. Peace like a river.
Wow! Thank you so much, Diana, for sharing your heart with us. Yes, life is a journey with many ups and downs. Some we can control and others we cannot. But I am learning, as you apparently are, that we do have a choice of how we deal with the downs. Forgiveness is difficult at times; we can only do it through the power of the Holy Spirit. I will be praying for you as you continue your journey with Him. I believe we can never comprehend the love of Jesus and what He did for each of us on that cross.
I am so with you; blessings all mine and ten thousand besides. Praying as you continue your journey. Hugs and love,
Dear Friend or better known as THE MOST AWESOME one Named Susie, Thank you for all your God guided words. At this time in my Life there has been many new steps and paths. Some loss and some gain. SCARED but my Husband, family and new church family are there for me. After almost a year here in Mississippi, I have felt like the young fawns. I just want to run into the arms of safety. I forgot many times…GOD NEVER left me. With a Faithful Husband, family and new church… I AM GETTING THERE.THERE meaning LETTING GO AND LETTING GOD help me leave my safety in the field. To be with my Herd of new friends and Believers. Thank you for all your Inspiration.
You blessed my heart, sweet friend! Almost a year? No way! And yet, it seems forever. I am sure your new church family and community have fallen in love with each of you already! I can so relate to the “young fawns”! Russell will have been gone 2 years in August; this year has been so hard without him. But I’m so thankful to know a reunion is coming.
Please do pray. The Rebel and Preacher Man has to be out by the end of July or August. That means, beginning this week, I am trying to write three chapters a week (rough draft…VERY rough draft!)
Love you. And thanks again, it means so much when you take (make) time to jot a note.
Hugs to all, Susie