A Bit of Chatter-Finding Joy in the Trenches

Cousin Trudi and Her 3 Day Donut
Cousin was off her feed, in bed most of the day until sweet Mary brought her a ‘little’ donut. It’s amazing how she perked up. Now energized, we sorted her stuff until after midnight and crawled (yes, crawled) into our beds.
Would you believe May 6 is National No Diet Day! Cousin celebrated early! She ate on that donut several days!
I could really get into celebrating No Diet Day! Just what the doctor ordered for the way April has been at my house!
Before I go further with this needless chatter, there are two things you need to know about me.
#1 I live by two verses from God’s Word. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust the Lord with all your heart…and He will direct your paths.” And Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto me, and I will answer thee…” I call on Him often; He always answers.
#2 When I am stressed or uncomfortable with a situation, regardless of where I may be or who is around, I sing “Jesus loves me this I know…” Been singing a lot of late.
I’m making time to spend two or three days at Cousin’s every two weeks as she struggles with difficult decisions. At 92, she is a joy; I think I can give her some comfort and continuity while she figures out what God’s plan is for her. (Prayers really appreciated.)
Meanwhile, back at the ranch. My computer isn’t talking to the big printer. The small printer refuses to accept a new ink cartridge my sweet husband scoured the city to find. Don’t have the heart to tell him! Have three articles to complete and hubby’s newsletters to get in the mail in the next couple of days. Wonder how a hand-written note would go over?
Weeds have overtaken my new flower beds. Iris are trying to stretch above the weeds; smaller flowers are simply buried in a sea of clover and dandelions. Watched our resident groundhog EAT one of the purple iris yesterday! The kiddos that used to keep them groomed have grown, married, and moved on.
My yard work is hampered by the fact that I’m having therapy twice a week to get my body moving properly again. (That’s a whole another story…not telling right now!) I’m sure it couldn’t be that thing called aging! I have a speaking engagement and book signing in two weeks, prayers deeply appreciated!
So, seriously thinking about National No Diet Day. I could start with Megan’s hot breakfast and biscuits and gravy. For lunch maybe Hip Pocket Pizza with chips and salsa. Later perhaps Expresso’s specialty coffee and a dessert! And dinner won’t be a bowl of steamed veggies!
BOTTOM LINE – We all have bumps along our way. Life is a journey. Sometimes we travel by stagecoach over the barren desert. Other times, we fly high with the eagles. Either way, God is with us. If you know Jesus as your personal savior, He will never, ever leave you.
I am happy. I have peace. I am blessed beyond measure … even on my worst days. Praying for you as I write this. Trust God on your journey through life and always sing with me, “Jesus loves us, this we know…”
Thanks for the joy reminders!
You are welcome, Ann. Seems we all need more of them of late. So thankful we can KNOW our Heavenly Father has is in His loving hands. So thankful for Jesus in times like these.
And, thankful for you. Thanks for taking time to comment. Prayers and blessings headed your way. Hugs again, Susie
I am trying to figure out why I have shingles for the first time. I don’t care for them. I have a garden to take care of.
I am praying for you and your problems. Take care
Bummer, June. Preacher had ’em! Not fun! We will be praying for you for sure.
So, guess your yard may look a bit like ours right now…so sorry!
The good thing is, it’s temporary. Sooner than you think the snow will fall and you can start fresh next spring! Did that encourage your heart???
Love and hugs and prayers, Susie
I think I am really going to like reading your blog. Walmart can be such a test of ones faith. And now I have a new song to sing to get me through the day! Hugs and prayers!
Gwen, how thoughtful of you to reply. Thanks for the encouragement. It seems life in general is more challenging these days. I pray always that God gives me wisdom as I write. He is the Great Encourager. Blessings on you and your work. Keep that precious smile going; we all need it. Hugs back at you, Susie