Who is Teaching Our Children About God?

My Family by Elise Herzog, age 6
What are we teaching our children about God? About creation? About themselves?
My little friend Elise’s simple drawing has given me cause to consider my own actions and reactions to the world situations we face today.
It also raises a concern about our precious children and young people.
What is society teaching them about God? About life and values? Obviously, for young Elise, God is a real person, the center of her family.
Who is God to you? Is He personal? Do your children know that? Are you sure? Do they know God’s Word is important to you?
Is God simply the Creator of the universe? Or, is He Creator and Sustainer? Is He someone you pray to when you are in trouble? Or, is He always with you; caring and concerned about your every breath?
Click here for articles from Focus on the Family about teaching children about God.
When I was a child, I knew Mother had a belief in and respect for God. She insisted we children were in church. There I learned Jesus loved me and if I trusting in Him as Savior, I could be saved and have a home in Heaven.
Sending children to church is not enough! I was well into my adult years when I realized how personal God was; how much He really wanted to be the central figure in my life and in my family. Every year that relationship grows deeper and more meaningful.
Here is my challenge to you. Make knowing God, REALLY knowing God, a priority in your life. Soak up His Word. Help your children (young and old) to understand Who He is, how much He loves them as individuals. Feed your hungry soul daily with His Word. Talk to Him. Trust Him. Love Him.
May we all learn from Elise’s beautiful drawing the importance of making God the center of our lives.
Let me know how you have made God personal in your family.