Valuable Love Gifts from the Heart

The Real Treasures of LIfe Given in Love
It seems everyone is selling red roses today, or chocolates, even diamonds if you want. Nice, yes! Necessary? No! (Did I hear you gasp?)
Many “expect” roses, chocolates, jewels, diamonds. Have we lost the meaning of love in the procurement of things? Trust me, I am NOT against diamonds given in love; if not given out of duty or guilt. For me, my special guy has this gift-giving down; amazing, thoughtful, surprising gifts! I will share some at the close of this article.
According to tradition, Valentine’s Day was named for a 5th century martyred Roman priest. Hand-written notes were exchanged until commercial cards came into prominence in the mid 19th century. (I think hand-written is still the best.)
Have you thought about friendships on Valentine’s Day?
Finland celebrates the day as Friend’s Day and in Guatemala, it’s Day of Love and Friendship. A Day is set aside to show true love appreciation in some way to friends and families. For me, it is an opportunity to consider those who live alone, have lost loved ones, or seem disconnected from the community.
For Valentine’s ideas and a fun recipe, click here.
The value is not the card or gift.
I’ve received more joy from a dandelion held in a tiny child’s hand than I ever could find in a truckload of roses. A favorite note was painfully crafted for me by a special needs adult and given with the tightest hug ever. Quite often it’s a phone call or a beautiful handpainted card from a friend.
My husband is not a traditional gift-giver.
More love is wrapped up in the golden ring on my left hand than any diamonds or pearls available.
I neither expect nor want a chunk of flowers or jewels on a certain day. I treasure these simple gifts from him—a silly little clown he brought me from Montgomery Wards (that tell you how old it is?); a big stuffed raccoon from the furniture store because I giggled when it “sang” a song.
One February, he bought me a car!
Seriously! On a stressful day, he left home to “run an errand” and returned with a shiny bright blue bug—filled with white daisies and blue flowers!. I had nothing blue and no extra space in our tiny house! HOWEVER, that car was proudly parked on a small table in front of a window. A small pillow with blue butterflies and flowers leaned against the table. I LOVE MY HUSBAND! (After my signature below, read how that little blue car later affected my decorating big time.)
Do you know you are loved today?
If you don’t feel loved today, let me tell you you are wrong! God loves you more than you can comprehend! He created you for His pleasure; you’ll never be forsaken by Him. And, precious friend, I love you. I pray for you. I long to hear from you.
The Greatest Gift for All Seasons
“For God so loved (you) that He gave His only begotten son, that when (you) believe on Him, (you) will not perish but have everlasting life.” from John 3:16 If you do not know that love, please let me hear from you. God’s perfect love through His son, Jesus Christ is the best gift you can ever receive and it is free for the taking!
Looking forward to hearing from you and sending
Regarding the little blue car; it is now parked in our master bathroom. Recently, we had the interior of our home painted, choosing a popular gray for the walls. Grand-daughter-in-love, O’Lyvia, painted a big chest of drawers the color of the car; I bought a shelf and towels and washcloths to match; and hung Mother’s oil painting of a snowy mountain scene in blues and grays. FUN! And my beautiful car is right at home in its very own room!