HomeAll PostsMaking New Year’s Resolutions vs Setting Goals


Making New Year’s Resolutions vs Setting Goals — 4 Comments

    • That is a great goal, Debbie!
      The key is to actually do it! Schedule time and make it very special. I’m sure you are a great grandmother; they are blessed.
      Thanks for commenting.

  1. what a good way to accomplish goals.
    I do this when I’m cleaning house. If I write the things down I get the pleasure of marking it off. But I have never thought of writing down resolutions or goal.
    Thank you.

    • Thanks June.
      I have learned that if I don’t write it down and keep it before me every single day, my goals (desires) get lost in the shuffle of every day life.
      Praying for a grand 2017 for you as well.
      Thank you for commenting.