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Maintaining Strength and Energy as We Grow Older — 6 Comments

  1. Does purchasing a Zumba for the Wii game count? Nice to do in the privacy of home… Oh I guess I actually need to take it out of the box and play it! I’ve had it for 2 years now; still wrapped in the box it came in. Thank you for the motivation. Have a safe 4th of July! Hugs back to you 🙂

    • Well, Pam, I guess that is a start! Actually, since you are one of the gals that took those stairs (in the pic), you are on your way already.
      Thanks for the comment. I am hoping the article really does motivate many to make using those muscles more of a habit. I need to work on that more myself!

      Hugs, Susie

  2. Thanks, Susie, I do try to keep my muscles in shape,,, need to to keep up with Ron and Lauryn!!!

    • Diana,

      Thanks! You are an inspiration to many. We all need reminders I think to keep moving.

      I’m hoping I can encourage a few people to do all they can to age gracefully and without limits of immobility.

  3. Susie, I loved the tips. I do remember those steps. I going to send you a private message with some last few days happenings.

    • Thanks, Pam.

      Each of us need reminded from time to time to “think before we slump.”
      Have a great holiday weekend.
      Hugs, Susie