Growth and Maturity when Caring for Others
Do you recall when you finally realized you were all grown up?
Was it when you turned 13 and all of a sudden you knew all you needed to know to make it just fine on your own? Family and friends simply had to understand you were grown up!
Was it 16, 17, or 18, and you experienced new freedoms and broader horizons than those young “kids” did not have?
Perhaps for you it was 21 and you were finally free of so many restrictions. Now you could show the world how things were to be done.
A better question for us today may be, “when did you come to know that there is no such animal as ‘all grown up.’” We never reach maturity. We are forever learning, growing, and discovering.
Personally, I’m thankful we never stop learning. We learn from our failures as well as from our accomplishments. We learn from others, especially from those in our care.
Have you noticed how God uses your daily trials and experiences to help you see yourself more clearly? Life experiences with family and friends cause us to see ourselves more clearly. Often feelings rise up unannounced such as anger, guilt, isolation, loneliness, discouragement. We may feel unappreciated, even neglected at times.
I know that it is only through Christ that I can face these issues head on. He gives us the strength to continue and the courage to work through any problems with His help. I’m so thankful for that Friend that sticks closer than a brother. I hope He is your Friend, too.
Although it seems Psalm 23 is most often used at funerals to comfort and assure families, it is one of my favorite everyday Scriptures. It’s a reminder of a Father’s love that reaches to the least of us in the best and worst of times.
Have a great week and take care of you.
In my book, MY MOTHER MY CHILD, I share how God helped me grow in ways I could not imagine. Look forward to hearing from you.