From Philippians 4 … if you value the approval of God, fix your minds on the things which are holy and right and pure and beautiful and good… and you will find the God of peace will be with you.
As I pen this note, it’s day five of the new year. Diamonds sparkle on ice-laden trees, fences, and walkways as I warm by a cozy fire. With above-freezing temps nowhere in sight, winter photos somehow lost their appeal! Happy summer pics of Kitty checking out my coffee warmed my heart. I trust they will do the same for you.
Let’s chat a bit about this new year looming in front of us. Are you a goal-setter? Did you make resolutions? How’s that going for you?
Perhaps you’re reading this and thinking, “Susie, I just hope to get through one more day with a little sanity left. I am not ready to look at an entire year before me. I’m bone tired, worn out, and physically and mentally empty. I cannot think of resolving for next year!”
Like me, you may watch the news and wonder how anyone will make it. We can so easily get weighed down with our daily struggles and the cares of this world that there seems no way out.
I have a personal challenge for you. Let’s make this our best year ever. No matter how busy, stressed, or worn out we are, we can do this!
Consider joining me this year on a journey. We will set one personal resolution (goal) we can keep for the entire year. I promise this simple goal can change your life, give you a new perspective, ease your burdens, and lighten your load.
Here is the deal. My one major goal this year is taken from God’s Word in Philippians chapter 4 (paraphrase):
“…fix your thoughts on what is honorable – right – pure – lovely – admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. And the God of peace will be with you.”
Let’s not plan to change our doing, let’s change our thinking, one day at a time. For me, as my thoughts head for old familiar territory-I Can’t Hill, They Won’t Road, Trouble’s Coming Village, We’ll Never Make It Curve,
Stop it. Today, with God’s help, I will fix my thoughts on lovely, pure, good things.
I will look into the mirror and smile at myself until I laugh out loud at that silly woman staring back.
I will hug someone nearby, call a friend, or simply raise my hands high and breathe deeply as I sing praises to Jesus.
Yes, precious friend, I will have other goals. I have to make them for my work, my family, and myself. However, this one goal will be my priority, and all else will follow.
Thanks for listening and taking the time to leave me a note so I can pray for you as we journey 2025 together. Let me hear from you. We can make this a great year.